Saturday, 27 June 2009

Segs Crazed.

Following on from Monkey boots remember these fellys. They were all the rage for a short while back in the day.

Had a wee laugh with Arkos the other night when the subject came up (as it does) .

We used to clack aboot trying to make sparks with these wee beauties. Some lads went over the top with aboot 20 round each heel and a few in the toe for good measure. The noise in the school corridors could be akin to the "store horse" and his pals, River dancing in shipping container.

Wee laddies and poor bairns had to make do with drawing pins.

If I recall there was a wee cobbler at Ratcliffe Terrace who benefitted greatly from this brief fad. I'm sure the schools also banned them eventually, much to his chagrin.


bobrob said...

I nothin like a bit of noise to acompany you through the dark hollows of Carnegie court.
If you were alone in the dark the segs at least gave you the feeling you were hard. It was always a good idea to check the length of the seg nail against the thickness of yer shoe sole otherwise you were in for a limp!

naldo said...

Segs were a pish state of affairs for all lovers of the DM casual. They burst the airware bubbles and just fell out.