Monday 29 June 2009

Animals of the High wall #1 The Store Horse

The Store Horse was an indiginous species aroung the South Side, a beast of burden which became extinct around the early 80's. A source of civic pride and much mirth.

One of the best treats you could get on your way to school as a laddie was if you could jump onto the back of the float for a wee fly jaunt, before getting chased off by some sullen auld guy who'd "once worked wi thon Sean Connery"

Even better than a wee hurl though was if you were lucky enough to see the store horse having a shite. What a laugh that was when you were a city boy not used to "nature red of tooth and spinchter". Strange fascination indeed

As well as no being able to have a shite in peace for crowds of wee laddies pointing and guffawing, bangers were another challenge for the Store horse. In those non PC days of the early 70's it was a rite of passage to scare the per auld nag with a few well aimed 3-2-1 zeros.

My faither used to say to my mother "Gies a kiss 'til the store horse comes" as a wee term of endearment. I still use it with my missus to this day. A brilliant piece of high wall humour.

The sayings of yer auld man are a subject that we need to explore in more detail in this blog as there are a few beauties out there that need sharing with the world.

This photo was apparantly taken in Gladstone Terrace so the Store Horse is the actual real "South Side" deal, and not some clever CGI or a couple of guys in a store horse suit.

As a side note, the auld biddy in the photo has got on a "housecoat". Mind of them, the auld yins used to wear them aboot the hoose in the days before all thon fancy central heating and double glazing.

I blame global warming on the demise of the housecoat.

It should have been in the Kyoto agreement. Free housecoats for all !!!

1 comment:

bobrob said...

Yon store horse is geein the auld biddy a queer look. I'll bet that she's trying tae feed it a fish supper! They store horse would have eaten shit if offered. Ma Granny once gave the store horse an orange tae eat. She said the horse enjoyed fir its eyes were fair watering wae happiness. Oh I and she gave it a fish cake as well. The only thing you had to look out for was Tuesday loss or Gee Gee as we cried him. He always hung about the store horse, usually at the exhaust end. Come tae think about it he fair smellt like sour milk as well. All the same the store horse was one of my favorites.