Saturday 24 January 2009

Subterranean Homesick Blues

Back to the subject of "Gangies"
Some gangies were up in abandoned tenaments and some were in garden sheds. The real cool gangies however were underground. Take the building in the centre of the photo for example. Under it was a veritable labyrinth of cellars and rooms.
We used to have to crawl through a tiny wee window to get in (about the size of an album cover) nowadays I would struggle to get in if they took the whole windae frame oot.
I passed this way a few weeks back and looked in. It's all been converted to a "garden flat" probably costs about £200K as well.
I wondered if they had plumbed in that lavvie, which was just an old pan sat in the middle of the floor surrounded by 2 old doors and a curtain when I was last there?
Maybe they had designer workies lamps and retro "nude book" wallpaper, and who knows they may have had a bespoke kitchen table, crafted to look like a tea chest with built in frog clamps?
Probably not.
Who killed Gunga Din?
The lavvie don't work 'cos the vandals took the handle !!

1 comment:

bobrob said...

I ah mind that lavvie!. It collapsed on one of the gangie members and nearly killed him, what a way to go laying some brown pipe and the whole kit and caboodle comes crashing down on yer head. Which one you may ask. All the same there was a few strange things down in that gangie. Like in the main rubble room come lavvie there was a window frame built into a wall that was about 10 feet underground. If I remember rightly there was also an unprotected drain just to one side of the entry window that just waited on unsuspecting feet to step into its grey depths. This usually turned the trapped person into a Dr Jekyll type creature that beat up wee laddies! Those were the days.