Monday 15 September 2008

Simple Vices #3 The Nude Book

The victorians had erotica, the war years had saucy postcards, the 80's had the adult video and the 21st century has internet porn.
The 70's however had the Nude Book.
For young lads trying to unravel the mysteries of the female world, Knave, Club International, H&E, Parade and Fiesta held the answers.
Often found abandoned in bins or procured from portocabins on building sites, the nude book was a possession to be treasured.
At school they were a form of currency. Like an adolescent Krugerrand, a well thumbed, dog eared "Men Only" would hold it's value and could be bartered for any number of goods.
A good gangie always had a library section with nude books, horror comics and wrestling mags.
Studying these under the glow of a workie's lamp, one could impart made up pearls of knowledge and down-right lies to younger members of the company.
In the days before the craze for "Brazilian" style minimalism, the most intimate parts of a woman would stare back at you from the page like Brian Blessed hiding in Terry Waites allotment.
A daunting and terrifying prospect for any young lad.

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