Wednesday 2 June 2010

A musical interlude

Found this on YouTube

Respect to oor Southside Brothers whoever you may be...


bobrob said...

No quite high wall boys but thir close! Well done guys

naldo said...

Nane too shabby ataw. Youse seen this:

Alien Orders said...

Awright Naldo, it's been a while.
Aye ma neice sent me that link, braw it is too. Seen the door tae ma auld Elm Row pad in it, next tae "Private Lines".

Arkos said...

Aye, the Auld Southside. Brings a tear to the eye! I've jist come back from a camping holiday up North. Went to Applecross, Glenelg & Gairloch. The scenery up there can just take yer breath away. But lookin at yon shots of the Southside can still bring a lump tae yer throat. I ye can take the boy oot o Southside but.....