When me an Arkos went doon tae wir Grannies at Porty efternoons wir aye meant fir the pictures. Before hand we wid be doon at the golfie or at the beach daein whit bairns did then ( lookin fir crabs, searchin fur porn or empty juice boatles). So by the time wi goat tae the George wi wir well cookin, in summer that is.
So whit did wi buy? A jubbly!
Now they didnae look like the picture ye can see above, but a cannie find a real picture oan the net!
It wiz a plastic cup shaped thing wi a foil cap, it wiz reallly meant fur drinkin but the wee sweet shoap by the George used tae freeze thum an sell thum tae hot lookin gadgies oan thur way tae the pictures.
Well the boy thit wiz in charge oh security at the George (the Usher) wiz called Baldie. Ah dinnae think thit ah huv tae go intae any detail oh why wi cried um that.
Anyways he wiz a bastard fir no wantin jubblys in his picture hoose. So ye wur forced tae try an finish yur jubbly afore the doors opened fur lettin ye in.
It wiz shite. Ye wir tryin tae suck oh the goodnesss oot oh the jubbly and it wiz fuckin freezin. Yer lips wid be blue wi the cauld an yer teeth wud be chatterin but ye wurnae happy an till oh ye hud left wiz a see through bit oh ice wi nae colourin in it.
Oan a hot High Wall day it wiz worth the effort anyday. But if that Baldy basturd hddnae been there maybee wi could huv savoured it a wee bit mair!
Check out the link
Ah used tae like ta sook aw the juice oot ma jubbly then lob the transparent lump o ice up the bus. Summer snow baw fights. Barry.
Aye that's why they were banned fae the pictures, cos you could lob them a beauty in the dark and scud some random bairn a dull yin tae the heid.
We used tae throw them as high as we could tae maximise the velocity and impact. The wee triangular yins in the photo were best cos they had jaggy corners.
Happy days.
Aye, like bobrob says jubblys were the boys!
I have fond memories of sookin on one before going into the George Cinema in Porty. Sometimes if we were feelin brave we'd try smugglin them in with us.
Mind you I remember bobrob got his collar felt by Baldy & got his jubbly taken off him. Baldy was gonna chuck him oot of the queue as well. But a barrage of "Leave the we gadgie alone!" & the old favourite, "Baldy is a bastard!" made him change his mind & we all got into the flicks. Good one!
Mind you apart from lobbing the ice into the darkness of the cinema, the empty carton also made a rare popping noise when you jumped on it. Not a loud as the rockets & bangers boys used to set off in the George aroond Guy Fawkes time, but yon's another tale!
Where did you get the photo of the Jubbly please? I am trying to find out how the picture has been lifted from where it was originally placed and has a copyright on it owned by the makers of the product.
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