I don't quite know what a golf ball looks like inside any more, but when we were kids they looked like this. After you had peeled off the outer cover (the white dimply stuff) you were into the rubber winding. This was like an endless rubber band about as long as from here to the moon! It pretty much had a mind of its own. Some times it tried to unravel itself really quickly and other times you had to peel the stuff off bit by bit. The windings had their uses. You could stretch them between the gate posts of the Dick vet and wait for cars to drive through them or stretch them across stair wells so that people would run into them. As they were not very strong they caused no damage. After you had peeled off all the rubber windings you reached the core. This was not made of hard rubber but was a rubber ball filled with fluid rubber. The stuff was like pus! It was thick and it stank, get this stuff on yer jeans and you are in for a thrashing! Why it had to be a fluid I don't know. Many a day was spent seeing who could peel the ball the slowest, and who had the stinkiest core!
The stinkiest core has to go to this fellow
I heard the story on the radio driving back from work today.
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